As a new parent, you might find yourself constantly checking on your little one while they sleep, wondering if every twitch, grunt, or flutter of the eyelids means they’re waking up. But what if we told you that all this movement is perfectly normal? Welcome to the world of active sleep in babies. This fascinating sleep phase is a crucial part of your newborn’s development and can look a little unusual, especially for first-time parents. In this guide, we’ll explore what active sleep is, how to recognise it, what you should (or shouldn’t) do when your baby is in this state, and when it eventually stops. Understanding active sleeping can help you feel more confident and relaxed as you navigate the early days of parenthood.
Scroll through the blog or jump immediately to the section you need:
What Is Active Sleep in Newborns
How to Tell If Baby Is Awake or in Active Sleep
What to Do When Baby Is in Active Sleep
How Long Does Active Sleep Last in Babies
When Does Active Sleep Stop in Babies
What Is Active Sleep in Newborns
Active sleep is a phase of sleep that newborns spend a significant amount of time in. During this stage, you might notice your baby moving their arms and legs, fluttering their eyelids, or even making little noises. This is completely normal and part of their natural sleep cycle. In fact, newborn active sleep is similar to the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep that adults experience, where the brain is highly active, and dreams occur. However, in babies, it plays a key role in brain development, helping to process all the new information they’re absorbing daily.
Unlike adults who cycle through various sleep stages more evenly, newborns spend around 50% of their sleep time in active sleep. This is because their brains are growing at an incredible rate, and active sleeping newborns need this phase to support cognitive and emotional development. It’s also during this time that babies consolidate memories and learn about the world around them.
But what exactly does active sleep in babies look like? You might see them smiling, grimacing, or even making sucking motions with their mouth. It can be tempting to pick them up, thinking they’re waking up, but they’re actually still asleep. Active sleep in babies is often followed by a quieter, more restful sleep stage known as quiet sleep, where movements are minimal and breathing is more regular.
It’s crucial to understand that active sleep is not a sign of discomfort or restlessness. Instead, it’s an indication that your baby’s brain is working hard to grow and develop. So, the next time you see your little one twitching or making funny faces during sleep, rest assured it’s all part of the magic of newborn REM sleep.

How to Tell If Baby Is Awake or in Active Sleep
It can be tricky to tell if your baby is awake or in active sleep since active sleeping babies sometimes appear surprisingly alert even when they’re deeply asleep. The key is to look for specific signs that differentiate active sleep from wakefulness.
During active sleep, babies might move their arms and legs, flutter their eyelids, smile, or even make small sounds. Their breathing can be irregular, with occasional rapid breaths followed by pauses. These movements are involuntary and are part of their brain processing all the new experiences they encounter daily. In contrast, when a baby is awake, their movements are more deliberate and purposeful, and they usually make eye contact and respond to voices or touch.
So, what does active sleep look like compared to quiet sleep? In quiet sleep, babies are much stiller, their breathing is more regular, and they don’t make as many noises. They look peaceful and are less likely to be disturbed by external stimuli. Knowing these differences can help you avoid unnecessary wake-ups, ensuring your baby gets the rest they need.
A helpful tip is to wait before picking up your baby if you see them moving or hear them grunting. Give them a moment to see if they settle back into a deeper sleep. Often, they’re just in the middle of an active sleep cycle and don’t need any intervention.
What to Do When Baby Is in Active Sleep
You might wonder, what should I do when my baby is in active sleep? The answer is simple—let them be. During this stage, babies are not fully awake, even if they seem restless or noisy. It’s essential to resist the urge to pick them up or try to soothe them, as this might accidentally wake them up.
The best approach is to observe from a distance. Active sleeping is perfectly normal and doesn’t require any intervention. If you’re unsure whether they’re awake or just active sleeping, wait and watch. Usually, if they’re in active sleep, they’ll either settle down on their own or transition into a quieter sleep phase.
How Long Does Active Sleep Last in Babies
It’s also important to understand how long active sleep lasts in babies. On average, newborns spend about 50% of their sleep in this phase, which can last anywhere from 20 to 50 minutes per cycle. As they grow, the amount of active sleep gradually decreases. If your baby seems particularly noisy or fidgety, ensure they’re comfortable and in a safe sleeping environment but avoid picking them up unless they’re truly awake and need attention.
By understanding how long active sleep lasts, you can create a more relaxed sleep routine, knowing that these movements are just part of their natural sleep cycle.

When Does Active Sleep Stop in Babies
A common question among parents is, when does active sleep stop? The good news is that the intense movements and noises you see during active sleep won’t last forever. As babies grow and their brains mature, the amount of active sleep they need decreases.
When do babies stop active sleep? Typically by around six months you’ll notice a shift in your baby’s sleep patterns. They’ll spend less time in active sleep and more time in quieter, deeper sleep stages. This change happens because their brains are developing, and they don’t need as much REM sleep to process new information.
By the time they’re toddlers, active sleep makes up a much smaller percentage of their sleep cycle, similar to that of an adult. They’ll also move less and sleep more peacefully through the night. However, every baby is different, and some may continue to be more active sleepers for a bit longer.
Understanding when active sleep stops can help you feel more prepared as your baby’s sleep patterns evolve. It also helps you adjust your expectations, knowing that those noisy, fidgety nights won’t last forever.
Active sleep is a fascinating and essential part of your baby’s development. It might seem a bit confusing at first, with all the twitches, grunts, and eye flutters, but rest assured, it’s all perfectly normal. By learning to recognise active sleep and understanding how it works, you can help your baby get the rest they need while also giving yourself some peace of mind.
Knowing how to tell if baby is awake or in active sleep can prevent unnecessary wake-ups and help you establish a smoother sleep routine. Remember, the best thing you can do during active sleep is to simply let your baby be, as this phase is crucial for their brain growth and emotional development.
As your little one grows, the amount of active sleep will naturally decrease, leading to more peaceful nights for both of you. Until then, embrace this unique aspect of newborn sleep and cherish those adorable sleep smiles and twitches.
With patience and understanding, you’ll navigate this stage with confidence, knowing that each active movement is just another sign of your baby growing and thriving.
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